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PHP: Passing variables to JavaScript

PHP programmers often encounter problems when trying to dynamically generate JavaScript code. Some characters need to be escaped in JavaScript, and also in PHP. This double-up can be hard to come to grips with.

Escaping Quotes and Line Breaks

Suppose you start with a PHP variable that needs to be inserting into a JavaScript code block. In this situation your variables will normally be enclosed in dbouble-quotes, so we don't need to worry about strings containing single quotes.

$message = "a short piece of text spanning more than one line and containing \"double\" & 'single' quotes";

The obvious way to turn this into an alert is:

<script> alert("<?PHP echo $message ?>"); </script>

but this approach results in invalid JavaScript code: <script> alert("a short piece of text spanning more than one line and containing "double" & 'single' quotes"); </script>

There are two problems. Firstly, having line breaks inside a JavaScript variable is not an option. They'll need to be replaced with \n (character representation of a line break). Secondly, the double quotes inside the text conflict with the outer quotes of the alert call.

Learning from our mistakes, here's some code that actually works:

<script> alert("<?PHP echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($message)); ?>"); </script>

The above code relies on PHP being embedded within HTML code. If you're outputting the entire page from PHP then you need to go a step further:

<?PHP $message = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($orig_message)); echo "<script>\n"; echo " alert(\"{$message}\");\n"; echo "</script>\n\n";

The output is now:

<script> alert("a short piece of text\nspanning more than one line\nand containing \"double\" & \'single\' quotes"); </script>

The same approach can be applied in pretty much any situation where PHP needs to insert variables into a JavaScript code block.

It's not necessary to encode characters such as & and " to their HTML entities inside a JavaScript <script> block. JavaScript in this context is kept separate from the HTML and can handle them without problem.

Working with inline JavaScript

Inline JavaScript presents a particular problem as the code itself is usually enclosed in double quotes, with the contained JavaScript then forced to used single quotes by default:

<button onclick="alert('...');">Click Me</button>

At first glance, the approach from above should work here as well:

<button onclick="alert('a short piece of text\nspanning more than one line\nand containing \"double\" & \'single\' quotes');"></button>

But what you will see in practice is a syntax error:

SyntaxError: Unexpected EOF

The problem is that inline JavaScript is actually part of the HTML markup so certain characters, namely quotes, ampersands and the less/greater than signs, need to be escaped HTML-style, as follows:

<button onclick="alert('a short piece of text\nspanning more than one line\nand containing &quot;double&quot; &amp; \'single\' quotes');"></button>

Which we can achieve in PHP using htmlspecialchars:

<button onclick="alert('<?PHP echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes(htmlspecialchars($message))); ?>');;">Click Me</button>

PHP 8.1 breaks things

As a final twist, as of PHP version 8.1.0 single quotes are no longer escapes as \' as before. Now instead they appear as &#039; which breaks our code as described here.

Fortunately, there is a simpl-ish patch:

<button onclick="alert('<?PHP echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes(htmlspecialchars($message, ENT_COMPAT))); ?>');;">Click Me</button>

You can test this in your browser by clicking the button:

Final checks

When trying to debug this kind of code you should always check first what's valid in JavaScript, and most modern browsers have a built-in debugger for this purple. Only then see how the working code can be generated from PHP.



User Comments

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9 August, 2012

I wanna pass "$name" into javascript, AJAX to be precise, so that that variable can b passed to the server and database, returning the corresponding values.
I need a diferent code don't I?

1 November, 2011

You totally rock...I spent two days trying to figure out how to get html saved in a mysql database into a javascript. This did the trick!

21 July, 2011


That's true! Very useful when generating javacript code on php.

Thanks for your hint

24 June, 2011

tahanx a lot for your superb article.......

solution posted by PCheese is also working.......

18 February, 2011

Try json_encode instead; that seems to handle all the tricky bits including quotes and newlines. Example:

echo "<script>alert(" . json_encode($message) . ");</script>"

24 November, 2010

Thanks a ton... Had been scratching my head to solve the similar issue while coding. Your solution worked like a MAGIC. Thanks once again.

29 July, 2010

Just wanted to say thank you - figuring that out myself would have made me late for lunch.

2 March, 2010

thank you. But what if I want to pass a javascript variable to a php function in the same page?

To call a PHP function without reloading the page you need to either use Ajax or load a PHP script by using an IMG, IFRAME or similar, with $_GET parameters.

17 February, 2010

OH LORD! Been trying to break this code for over 4 hours then I find this piece of gold mine! thx a lot!

7 February, 2010

Thanks a ton... Had been scratching my head to solve the similar issue while coding. Your solution worked like a MAGIC. Thanks once again.

9 May, 2009

Funny there is no native PHP function to do that job.

Nice article guys!

16 October, 2008

Can I be sure that these characters are the only characters needed to be escaped? Are there any characters that can led into wrong JavaScript code (even though theoretically)? What about UTF-8?

Thank you very much!

24 June, 2008

What if you don't want to alert it, just to use it as a regular javascript variable?

'alert()' is just a function like any other. There's no difference in approach if you want to use a different function or just define a variable in JavaScript. It's the escaping of the $message component as demonstrated in this article that's important in each case.

9 September, 2007

Wow, thank you so much. I had worked all day on a roundabout way to accomplish this when your script works perfectly. I should google things more specifically before I dive into time consuming solutions.

5 September, 2006

just wanted to thank you guys for this article. I have been seriously stuck on that for about 2 hours now. thanks again,
