PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.
Articles relating to PHP
Order by: topic | title | most popular | most recent
- Basic two-way encryption
- Better Password Encryption using Blowfish
- Encryption and Decryption Example
- replaced Atom Feed Reader: Source Code
- Combined RSS and Atom Feed Reader
- replaced Displaying and updating RSS Content using Ajax
- Feed Reader with Ajax Updating
- replaced RSS and Atom Feed Reader
- RSS Feed Reader Code Example
- replaced RSS Feed Reader: Source Code
- YouTube API Feed Reader: Source Code
- Basic Form Handling in PHP
- Creating a CAPTCHA with no Cookies
- Measuring password strength
- Protecting forms using a CAPTCHA
- Creating images 'on the fly'
- Effects of quality setting in JPEG compression
- Extracting colours from an image
- Listing files in a ZIP archive
- Parsing HTML files with DOMDocument and DOMXpath
- Parsing HTML to find Links
- Parsing robots.txt
- Stripping invalid Unicode for pdfTeX
- Abstract Shopping Cart Class
- Advanced Pagination
- Calculating past and future dates
- Checking a callback function return type
- cURL alternative to file_get_contents over HTTP
- Displaying Twitter Search Results in HTML
- Exporting Data to Excel
- Formatting Data as HTML
- Implementing Namespaces in PHP 5.6
- Preventing X-PHP-Script Exposure of Variables
- Useful Functions
- Using Output Buffering to Cache PHP Content
- When is /tmp not /tmp?
Jonathan Wheat 26 August, 2011
Love your site, your 'myrssparser' saved me a bunch of time. I had one in place, but it wasn't handling a new feed properly. Used your class, and it works great now. Thanks !