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JavaScript: Highlighting Words With UTF-8 Support

This article continues our experiment in using JavaScript to highlight words on the page based on user input. Only now we're extending our previous code to include UTF-8 support for accented characters both in the input string as well as the text to be searched.

Patch for accented characters

As a first step, following a request through our feedback form, we came up with a simple patch that will match words on the page even if they contain accented characters:

... function addAccents(input) { retval = input; retval = retval.replace(/([ao])e/ig, "$1"); retval = retval.replace(/e/ig, "[eèéêë]"); retval = retval.replace(/c/ig, "[cç]"); retval = retval.replace(/i/ig, "[iîï]"); retval = retval.replace(/u/ig, "[uùûü]"); retval = retval.replace(/y/ig, "[yÿ]"); retval = retval.replace(/s/ig, "(ss|[sß])"); retval = retval.replace(/a/ig, "([aàâä]|ae)"); retval = retval.replace(/o/ig, "([oôö]|oe)"); return retval; } this.setRegex = function(input) { input = input.replace(endRegExp, ""; input = input.replace(breakRegExp, "|"); input = input.replace(/^\||\|$/g, ""); if(input) { var re = "(" + addAccents(input) + ")"; if(!this.openLeft) re = "\\b" + re; if(!this.openRight) re = re + "\\b"; matchRegExp = new RegExp(re, "i"); return matchRegExp; } return false; }; ...

With this patch a search for cafe will also match café (French), and a search for Koln will highlight Köln as well as Koeln (German).

Internally the regular expression if you search for "Koln cafe" (for example) is changed from (Koln|cafe) to (K([oôö]|oe)ln|c([aàâä]|ae)f[eèéêë]).

The code above will cater for many European languages. To cover a broader range of languages you will need to add extra characters such as ș, ţ, and č (and more).

This patch does not add support for searches where the input contains accented characters. That is because JavaScript thinks there's a word boundary between normal an accented characters (i.e. "^\bK\bö\bln\b \bcaf\bé$") which prevents us from splitting the search input into words.

For tips on adding true UTF-8 support to the search highlighter, see the code from Yanosh Kunsh under Feedback on the previous page or continue reading.

With full(?) UTF-8 support

Integrating the UTF-8 support supplied by Yanosh while keeping the accented character wildcard search option above was challenging, but we seem to have it working now.

Adding support for extra characters beyond those included (àâäèéêëîïôöùûüÿß, ae and oe) is a matter of accounting them in two places - removeUnicode() and addAccents().

Here is the latest version of the code:

// Original JavaScript code by Chirp Internet: // Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header. function Hilitor2(id, tag) { // private variables var targetNode = document.getElementById(id) || document.body; var hiliteTag = tag || "MARK"; var skipTags = new RegExp("^(?:" + hiliteTag + "|SCRIPT|FORM)$"); var colors = ["#ff6", "#a0ffff", "#9f9", "#f99", "#f6f"]; var wordColor = []; var colorIdx = 0; var matchRegExp = ""; var openLeft = false; var openRight = false; var matches = []; // characters to strip from start and end of the input string var endRegExp = new RegExp('^[^\\w]+|[^\\w]+$', "g"); // characters used to break up the input string into words var breakRegExp = new RegExp('[^\\w\'-]+', "g"); this.setEndRegExp = function(regex) { endRegExp = regex; return true; }; this.setBreakRegExp = function(regex) { breakRegExp = regex; return true; }; this.setMatchType = function(type) { switch(type) { case "open": this.openLeft = this.openRight = true; break; case "closed": this.openLeft = this.openRight = false; break; case "right": this.openLeft = true; this.openRight = false; break; case "left": default: this.openLeft = false; this.openRight = true; } return true; }; // break user input into words and convert to RegExp this.setRegex = function(input) { input = input.replace(/\\u[0-9A-F]{4}/g, ""); // remove missed unicode input = input.replace(endRegExp, ""); input = input.replace(breakRegExp, "|"); input = input.replace(/^\||\|$/g, ""); input = addAccents(input); if(input) { var re = "(" + input + ")"; if(!this.openLeft) { re = "(?:^|[\\b\\s])" + re; } if(!this.openRight) { re = re + "(?:[\\b\\s]|$)"; } matchRegExp = new RegExp(re, "i"); return matchRegExp; } return false; }; this.getRegex = function() { var retval = matchRegExp.toString(); retval = retval.replace(/(^\/|\(\?:[^\)]+\)|\/i$)/g, ""); return retval; }; // recursively apply word highlighting this.hiliteWords = function(node) { if(node === undefined || !node) return; if(!matchRegExp) return; if(skipTags.test(node.nodeName)) return; if(node.hasChildNodes()) { for(var i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) this.hiliteWords(node.childNodes[i]); } if(node.nodeType == 3) { // NODE_TEXT if((nv = node.nodeValue) && (regs = matchRegExp.exec(nv))) { if(!wordColor[regs[1].toLowerCase()]) { wordColor[regs[1].toLowerCase()] = colors[colorIdx++ % colors.length]; } var match = document.createElement(hiliteTag); match.appendChild(document.createTextNode(regs[1])); = wordColor[regs[1].toLowerCase()]; = "#000"; var after; if(regs[0].match(/^\s/)) { // in case of leading whitespace after = node.splitText(regs.index + 1); } else { after = node.splitText(regs.index); } after.nodeValue = after.nodeValue.substring(regs[1].length); node.parentNode.insertBefore(match, after); } }; }; // remove highlighting this.remove = function() { var arr = document.getElementsByTagName(hiliteTag); while(arr.length && (el = arr[0])) { var parent = el.parentNode; parent.replaceChild(el.firstChild, el); parent.normalize(); } return true; }; // start highlighting at target node this.apply = function(input) { this.remove(); if(input === undefined || !(input = input.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ""))) { return; } input = escapeUnicode(input); input = removeUnicode(input); if(this.setRegex(input)) { this.hiliteWords(targetNode); } // build array of matches matches = targetNode.getElementsByTagName(hiliteTag); // return number of matches return matches.length; }; // scroll to the nth match this.gotoMatch = function(idx) { if(matches[idx]) { matches[idx].scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", }); for(var i=0; i < matches.length; i++) { matches[i].style.outline = (idx == i) ? "2px solid red" : ""; } return true; } return false; }; // convert escaped UNICODE to ASCII function removeUnicode(input) { var retval = input; retval = retval.replace(/\\u(00E[024]|010[23]|00C2)/ig, "a"); retval = retval.replace(/\\u00E7/ig, "c"); retval = retval.replace(/\\u00E[89AB]/ig, "e"); retval = retval.replace(/\\u(00E[EF]|00CE)/ig, "i"); retval = retval.replace(/\\u00F[46]/ig, "o"); retval = retval.replace(/\\u00F[9BC]/ig, "u"); retval = retval.replace(/\\u00FF/ig, "y"); retval = retval.replace(/\\u(00DF|021[89])/ig, "s"); retval = retval.replace(/\\u(0163i|021[AB])/ig, "t"); return retval; } // convert ASCII to wildcard function addAccents(input) { var retval = input; retval = retval.replace(/([ao])e/ig, "$1"); retval = retval.replace(/ss/ig, "s"); retval = retval.replace(/e/ig, "[eèéêë]"); retval = retval.replace(/c/ig, "[cç]"); retval = retval.replace(/i/ig, "[iîï]"); retval = retval.replace(/u/ig, "[uùûü]"); retval = retval.replace(/y/ig, "[yÿ]"); retval = retval.replace(/s/ig, "(ss|[sßș])"); retval = retval.replace(/t/ig, "([tţț])"); retval = retval.replace(/a/ig, "([aàâäă]|ae)"); retval = retval.replace(/o/ig, "([oôö]|oe)"); return retval; } // added by Yanosh Kunsh to include utf-8 string comparison function dec2hex4(textString) { var hexequiv = new Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"); return hexequiv[(textString >> 12) & 0xF] + hexequiv[(textString >> 8) & 0xF] + hexequiv[(textString >> 4) & 0xF] + hexequiv[textString & 0xF]; } // escape UNICODE characters in string function escapeUnicode(str) { // convertCharStr2jEsc // Converts a string of characters to JavaScript escapes // str: sequence of Unicode characters var highsurrogate = 0; var suppCP; var pad; var n = 0; var outputString = ""; for(var i=0; i < str.length; i++) { var cc = str.charCodeAt(i); if(cc < 0 || cc > 0xFFFF) { outputString += '!Error in convertCharStr2UTF16: unexpected charCodeAt result, cc=' + cc + '!'; } if(highsurrogate != 0) { // this is a supp char, and cc contains the low surrogate if(0xDC00 <= cc && cc <= 0xDFFF) { suppCP = 0x10000 + ((highsurrogate - 0xD800) << 10) + (cc - 0xDC00); suppCP -= 0x10000; outputString += '\\u' + dec2hex4(0xD800 | (suppCP >> 10)) + '\\u' + dec2hex4(0xDC00 | (suppCP & 0x3FF)); highsurrogate = 0; continue; } else { outputString += 'Error in convertCharStr2UTF16: low surrogate expected, cc=' + cc + '!'; highsurrogate = 0; } } if(0xD800 <= cc && cc <= 0xDBFF) { // start of supplementary character highsurrogate = cc; } else { // this is a BMP character switch(cc) { case 0: outputString += '\\0'; break; case 8: outputString += '\\b'; break; case 9: outputString += '\\t'; break; case 10: outputString += '\\n'; break; case 13: outputString += '\\r'; break; case 11: outputString += '\\v'; break; case 12: outputString += '\\f'; break; case 34: outputString += '\\\"'; break; case 92: outputString += '\\\\'; break; default: if(cc > 0x1f && cc < 0x7F) { outputString += String.fromCharCode(cc); } else { pad = cc.toString(16).toUpperCase(); while(pad.length < 4) { pad = '0' + pad; } outputString += '\\u' + pad; } } } } return outputString; } }

expand code box

The trick is that search strings now arrive in the setRegex() method with any special characters already 'dumbed down' to their ASCII equivalent.

Below is the source code for a working example (see below). You can try out on your own website, or experiment in our demo:

<form> <p>Highlight keywords as you type: <input id="keywords" size="24" placeholder="start typing"></p> </form> <div id="playground" style="margin: 1em 0; padding: 0 1em; border: 1px solid #ccc;"> <p>Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.</p> <p>Tu t'entêtes à tout tenter, tu t'uses et tu te tues à tant t'entêter.</p> <p>Wir Wiener Wäscheweiber wäschten weisse Wäsche, Wenn wir wüssten, wo warmes, weiches Wasser wär.</p> </div> <script src="/hilitor-utf8.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e) { var myHilitor = new Hilitor2("playground"); myHilitor.setMatchType("left"); document.getElementById("keywords").addEventListener("keyup", function(e) { myHilitor.apply(this.value); }, false); }, false); </script>

Any unrecognised UNICODE characters will be removed before forming the regular expression.

Working Example

Highlight keywords as you type:

Tongue Twisters:

  • Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.
  • Tu t'entêtes à tout tenter, tu t'uses et tu te tues à tant t'entêter.
  • Wir Wiener Wäscheweiber wäschten weisse Wäsche, Wenn wir wüssten, wo warmes, weiches Wasser wär.

Under the hood

What's actually happening now is that any special characters in the input string are first converted to UNICODE \u00XX format. Then the UNICODE is de-accented, the input string exploded into words, and then expanded into a wildcard for matching.

This is easier to explain with an example:

  • Köln café
  • K\u00F6ln caf\u00E9
  • Koln cafe
  • Koln|cafe
  • K([oôö]|oe)ln|[cç]([aàâä]|ae)f[eèéêë]
  • /\b(K([oôö]|oe)ln|[cç]([aàâä]|ae)f[eèéêë])/

< JavaScript

User Comments

Post your comment or question

15 July, 2020

Can someone help with including nordic characters to this code, please?

æ, ø, å:

æ U+00E6
Æ U+00C6

ø U+00F8
Ø U+00D8

å U+00E5
Å U+00C5
