JavaScript is NOT the same as Java. The syntax is similar but they are otherwise completely separate languages. JavaScript IS very similar to JScript - an attempt by Microsoft to avoid giving credit to Netscape during the browser wars.
Articles relating to JavaScript
Order by: topic | title | most popular | most recent
- Making a HEAD request via an Ajax script 2024-05-08
- Memory Card Game with Animation 2023-03-16
- Sorting Algorithm Comparison 2023-03-08
- Counting words in a text area 2023-02-01
- Creating a Generator Function 2023-01-25
- Loading and playing a YouTube video 2022-12-16
- Using a Promise to make sequential Ajax requests 2022-09-17
- Allowing the user to toggle password INPUT visibility 2022-02-02
- Making an asynchronous request before following an href 2022-01-06
- Collapsible containers with rotation support 2021-11-15
- HTML content that expands on click 2021-11-03
- Playable Maze Game Generator 2020-12-21
- Random Maze Generator 2020-12-13
- Twister Controller with Speech 2019-12-27
- Tweaking the HTML5 Color Input 2019-08-02
- Form Validation 2019-02-25
- Creating Sounds with AudioContext 2019-02-18
- Graphing Game 2019-02-08
- UTF-8 Search Highlight Demo 2018-12-13
- Highlighting Words With UTF-8 Support 2018-12-12
- Objects with constructors 2018-12-10
- Using objects as array keys 2018-12-07
- Amazing Maze Game 2018-12-05
- Preventing Double Form Submission 2016-12-29
- Search Keyword Highlighting 2016-12-21
- Replacing anchor links with JavaScript 2014-10-05
- Password Validation using regular expressions and HTML5 2014-06-21
- A simple modal feedback form with no plugins 2014-04-12
- Animating objects over a curved path 2014-02-06
- replaced Controlling CSS Animations 2013-01-26
- Building an automatic submenu 2012-05-31
- Protecting mailto links
- DHTML Sorting Using OOP - Example 1
- Confirming user actions
- Making sure form values are unique using Ajax
- DHTML Bubble Sort
- Recording Outbound Links using Ajax
- DHTML Quick Sort
- DHTML Sorting Algorithms
- Saving Form Values using Cookies
- Using XMLHttpRequest to log JavaScript errors
- Retrieving values from Cookies
- Date and Time
- DHTML Insertion Sort
- DHTML Shell Sort
- Generating Random Numbers
- Using cookies to set Preferences
- Credit Card numbers
- replaced Web Services using XMLHttpRequest (Ajax)
- Form Validation using Ajax
- Avoiding the Race Condition with Ajax
- CSS Animated Fireworks
- Escaping Special Characters
Amit Kumar Parjapati 25 March, 2011
i like this website, becuase this website helps me for improving my javascript.
But, I want to more learn in javascript like, e-mail validation, option list validation, radion button validation etc
But This website is very helpful for improve web designing