PHP: Protecting forms using a CAPTCHA
The CAPTCHA approach to securing forms is not new - it first appeared in the late 90's for domain name submissions to search engines and the like - but with the exponential growth of scripted exploits it's coming to the fore once again. The main targets are Guestbook and Contact forms, but any online form can be a target for abuse.
The code presented here shows you how to create a simple CAPTCHA graphic with random lines and digits and how to incorporate it into an HTML form to prevent automated submission by malicious scripts.
Creating a CAPTCHA graphic using PHP
The following code needs to be saved as a stand-alone PHP file (we call it captcha.php). This file creates a PNG image containing a series of five digits. It also stores these digits in a session variable so that other scripts can know what the correct code is and validate that it's been entered correctly.
// Adapted for The Art of Web:
// Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
// initialise image with dimensions of 120 x 30 pixels
$image = @imagecreatetruecolor(120, 30) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
// set background to white and allocate drawing colours
$background = imagecolorallocate($image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, $background);
$linecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC);
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33);
// draw random lines on canvas
for($i=0; $i < 6; $i++) {
imagesetthickness($image, rand(1,3));
imageline($image, 0, rand(0,30), 120, rand(0,30), $linecolor);
// add random digits to canvas
$digit = '';
for($x = 15; $x <= 95; $x += 20) {
$digit .= ($num = rand(0, 9));
imagechar($image, rand(3, 5), $x, rand(2, 14), $num, $textcolor);
// record digits in session variable
$_SESSION['digit'] = $digit;
// display image and clean up
header('Content-type: image/png');
The output of this script appears as follows (reload to see it change):
This image is meant to be difficult for 'robots' to read, but simple for humans (the Turing test). You can make it more difficult for them by addition of colours or textures, or by using different fonts and a bit of rotation.
We've simplified the script presented above as much as possible so that you can easily customise it for your site and add more complexity as necessary. Further down the page you can find examples that use colours, rotation and different fonts, but the basic concept is the same.
Adding a CAPTCHA to your forms
In your HTML form you need to make sure that the CAPTCHA image is displayed and that there's an input field for people to enter the CAPTCHA code for validation. Here's a 'skeleton' of how the HTML code for your form might appear:
<form method="POST" action="form-handler" onsubmit="return checkForm(this);">
<p><img src="/captcha.php" width="120" height="30" border="1" alt="CAPTCHA"></p>
<p><input type="text" size="6" maxlength="5" name="captcha" value=""><br>
<small>copy the digits from the image into this box</small></p>
If you're using JavaScript form validation then you can test that a code has been entered in the CAPTCHA input box before the form is submitted. This will confirm that exactly five digits have been entered, but not say anything about whether they're the right digits as that information is only available on the server-side ($_SESSION) data.
So again, here's a skeleton of how your JavaScript form validation script might appear:
var checkForm = function(form) {
if(!form.captcha.value.match(/^\d{5}$/)) {
alert("Please enter the CAPTCHA digits in the box provided.");
return false;
return true;
Finally, in the server-side script that is the target of the form, you need to check that the code entered in the form by the user matches the session variable set by the captcha.php script:
if($_POST && "all required variables are present") {
if($_POST['captcha'] != $_SESSION['digit']) die("Sorry, the CAPTCHA code entered was incorrect!");
It's important to call session_start() both in the captcha.php script (when seting the session variable) and in the server-side validation script (in order to retrieve the value) as those files are processed independently and can't otherwise share information. We call session_destroy() only after the form submission has been verified.
You can see this code working in the Feedback form below.
Putting it all together
There has been feedback sent by a number of people confused about which code to put where to get this working on their own website. To make it clearer I've put together a couple of diagrams which illustrate the two most common solutions.
Here you can see illustrated the simplest and most common setup, but by no means the best solution. The form is checked using JavaScript and then POSTed to another page/script where the data is processed:
A more 'professional' solution involves a practice called Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) which means that the data is first processed and then the user is redirected to a landing page:
This avoids a number of issues including problems caused when someone reloads the landing page which in the first configuration would cause all the POST data to be re-submitted.
This can also be implemented using three scripts where the form handler has it's own file and decides whether to redirect back to the FORM or forward to the landing page depending on whether the data validates.
In any case the PHP form handler code needs to appear as the first item before any HTML code is generated.
Upgrading the CAPTCHA to block new bots
The CAPTCHA image presented above was 'cracked' after a matter of months by one or two bots. Fortunately a few small changes to the code can send them packing at least for a while.
Here's some code to 'jazz up' our CAPTCHA to give it a better chance of being bot-proof. The sections of code that have been changed are highlighted:
// Adapted for The Art of Web:
// Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
// initialise image with dimensions of 120 x 30 pixels
$image = @imagecreatetruecolor(120, 30) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
// set background and allocate drawing colours
$background = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x66, 0x99, 0x66);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, $background);
$linecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x99);
$textcolor1 = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
$textcolor2 = imagecolorallocate($image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
// draw random lines on canvas
for($i=0; $i < 6; $i++) {
imagesetthickness($image, rand(1,3));
imageline($image, 0, rand(0,30), 120, rand(0,30) , $linecolor);
// add random digits to canvas using random black/white colour
$digit = '';
for($x = 15; $x <= 95; $x += 20) {
$textcolor = (rand() % 2) ? $textcolor1 : $textcolor2;
$digit .= ($num = rand(0, 9));
imagechar($image, rand(3, 5), $x, rand(2, 14), $num, $textcolor);
// record digits in session variable
$_SESSION['digit'] = $digit;
// display image and clean up
header('Content-type: image/png');
And here is the modified CAPTCHA graphic produced by the new code:
All we've done here is changed the background colour from white to green, the lines from grey to light green and the font colour from black to a mixture of white and black.
This method has now also been cracked by a small number of bots. In recent days we've seen 10-20 succesful exploits a day, but we're not going to give up. Read on for details of a more advanced CAPTCHA.
Yet another CAPTCHA
Here's the next version that we've been using until recently. The
main change from those presented above is that we now use a larger range
of fonts to confuse the spambots. You can find a good resource for
GDF fonts under References below. Unfortunately GDF fonts
are now hard to come by, but there are alternatives using TrueType (TTF)
fonts. The positioning of the lines has also changed to make them more
// Adapted for The Art of Web:
// Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
// initialise image with dimensions of 120 x 30 pixels
$image = @imagecreatetruecolor(120, 30) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
// set background and allocate drawing colours
$background = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x66, 0xCC, 0xFF);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, $background);
$linecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x33, 0x99, 0xCC);
$textcolor1 = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
$textcolor2 = imagecolorallocate($image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
// draw random lines on canvas
for($i=0; $i < 8; $i++) {
imagesetthickness($image, rand(1,3));
imageline($image, rand(0,120), 0, rand(0,120), 30 , $linecolor);
// using a mixture of system and GDF fonts
$fonts = array(3,4,5);
$fonts[] = imageloadfont("$fontdir/bmcorrode.gdf");
$fonts[] = imageloadfont("$fontdir/bmreceipt.gdf");
$fonts[] = imageloadfont("$fontdir/checkbook.gdf");
// add random digits to canvas using random black/white colour
$digit = '';
for($x = 15; $x <= 95; $x += 20) {
$textcolor = (rand() % 2) ? $textcolor1 : $textcolor2;
$digit .= ($num = rand(0, 9));
imagechar($image, array_pop($fonts), $x, rand(2, 14), $num, $textcolor);
// record digits in session variable
$_SESSION['digit'] = $digit;
// display image and clean up
header('Content-type: image/png');
And here's the result - a little less readable perhaps for humans, but a lot less readable for robots who were starting to get around the previous version:
If you have trouble locating GDF fonts you can also use imagettftext in place of imageloadfont/imagechar which lets you use TTF fonts instead of architecture dependent GD fonts. This is demonstrated in the following section. There are also tools for converting TTF fonts into GD format.
A more readable CAPTCHA using TTF fonts
As you can see we've upgraded our CAPTCHA image once again. Mainly to make it more human-friendly with larger characters. The new version is similar to the above, but uses a (free) TTF font and some rotation. The background hasn't changed.
// Adapted for The Art of Web:
// Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
// initialise image with dimensions of 160 x 45 pixels
$image = @imagecreatetruecolor(160, 45) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
// set background and allocate drawing colours
$background = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x66, 0xCC, 0xFF);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, $background);
$linecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x33, 0x99, 0xCC);
$textcolor1 = imagecolorallocate($image, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
$textcolor2 = imagecolorallocate($image, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
// draw random lines on canvas
for($i=0; $i < 8; $i++) {
imagesetthickness($image, rand(1,3));
imageline($image, rand(0,160), 0, rand(0,160), 45, $linecolor);
// using a mixture of TTF fonts
$fonts = [];
$fonts[] = "dejavu/DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf";
$fonts[] = "dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf";
$fonts[] = "dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf";
// add random digits to canvas using random black/white colour
$digit = '';
for($x = 10; $x <= 130; $x += 30) {
$textcolor = (rand() % 2) ? $textcolor1 : $textcolor2;
$digit .= ($num = rand(0, 9));
imagettftext($image, 20, rand(-30,30), $x, rand(20, 42), $textcolor, $fonts[array_rand($fonts)], $num);
// record digits in session variable
$_SESSION['digit'] = $digit;
// display image and clean up
header('Content-type: image/png');
You can reference TTF font files either by using the complete filesystem path starting with '/', or by placing them in a directory included in the default font path in PHP which will depend on your system.
Here you can see the output of the above script. The TTF fonts used in this example come from the (free) fonts-dejavu-core package on Debian, but there are thousand of Truetype fonts to choose from, many of them free. Typefaces where the characters have gaps or a bit of flair will work better against spambots, but remember it also has to be human-readable.
The imagettftext function is quite simple to use in this situation:
imagettftext($image, $fontsize, $angle, $xpos, $ypos, $color, $fontfile, $text);
We're using a font size of 20 pixels and a rotation ($angle) of between -30 and +30 degrees for each digit. The characters are 30 pixels apart ($xpos) and have a random vertical offset - enough just to touch the top or bottom of the canvas as that makes it tougher for a robot to decipher.
So how long will we need to keep using CAPTCHAs to protect forms? Unfortunately, until Microsoft invents a secure operating system and puts an end to botnets we need to keep evolving our security to stay ahead of the spammers. For small websites something like the above example will work fine. For more popular sites there are any kind of protective measures, but that's another story.
Usability improvements
It's the little things that make your visitors more relaxed about
filling in forms. The code below has been modified to limit the input
to only numbers using the onkeyup event, and adding an option
to reload/refresh the CAPTCHA image in the case that it's not readable.
<p><img id="captcha" src="/captcha.php" width="160" height="45" border="1" alt="CAPTCHA">
<small><a href="#" onclick="
document.getElementById('captcha').src = '/captcha.php?' + Math.random();
document.getElementById('captcha_code_input').value = '';
return false;
<p><input id="captcha_code_input" type="text" name="captcha" size="6" maxlength="5" onkeyup="this.value = this.value.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '');"> <small>copy the digits from the image into this box</small></p>
In your form, the CAPTCHA section will then appear something like the following:
You can see this code in action in the Feedback form at the bottom of the page, using the latest CAPTCHA.
Related Articles - Form Validation
- HTML HTML5 Form Validation Examples
- HTML Validating a checkbox with HTML5
- JavaScript Preventing Double Form Submission
- JavaScript Password Validation using regular expressions and HTML5
- JavaScript Counting words in a text area
- JavaScript Tweaking the HTML5 Color Input
- JavaScript A simple modal feedback form with no plugins
- JavaScript Date and Time
- JavaScript Form Validation
- JavaScript Allowing the user to toggle password INPUT visibility
- JavaScript Credit Card numbers
- PHP Protecting forms using a CAPTCHA
- PHP Measuring password strength
- PHP Basic Form Handling in PHP
- PHP Creating a CAPTCHA with no Cookies
User Comments
Most recent 20 of 34 comments:
Post your comment or question
Stuart 15 September, 2021
Thank you for this wonderful script.
Is it possible to change the size of the numbers within the box and also the number of them e.g. 4 digits, or 8 digits. I can't work out how to change these parameters. Regards Stu
You'll probably do better with this version of the code:
There are class variables for setting font size and the number of digits.
Ammy 1 September, 2021
I was trying to add the captcha in my websites contact us form in But imagecreatetruecolor is not defined what can i do
Your PHP installation is missing the GD extension.
dave 3 March, 2021
i use var_dump($_SESSION). the $_SESSION['digit'] is different with captcha image. is there any bug ??
Nik Tan 5 June, 2020
I have been using your CAPTCHA for 2 years now
and it is excellent.
However the past few weeks I receive a lot of junk from the form.
When I check the server log I see increased traffic coming from two or three IP addresses and they access the capthca.php file.
1)Is there a chance that they have a bot that is able to read the captcha?
2) Is there a chance to get the answer without even scan the rendered image of the captcha?
Thank you in advance
I would guess that someone has recognised the font in your CAPTCHA and taught their bot accordingly. Or that the font you are using is simple enough for the digits to be decoded using OCR techniques.
Changing to a more obscure font could help, or, if you look at our CAPTCHA, you can see we're using a more advanced technique.
rodrigojuarez 2 October, 2019
Thorough and simple explanations. Thanks a million. Implemented it in minutes
bright 2 October, 2018
please can you send me the complete source code, how do i test that the user have entered the correct numbers in the image, thanks
Kaycee Lynn 8 May, 2017
Hello I need help!
I dont know where to put the server-side script in my contact_form.php.
roman 26 April, 2017
I think you need to include:
if(!isset($_SESSION['digit'])) die ("Sorry, the CAPTCHA isnt filled in!");
You are 100% right - and in practice we do do something like that. Only because this applies mostly to spambots we trigger a 404 Not Found response
Scarfonic 5 March, 2017
Hello, this is an epic code, but there is still buggy, i dont where to find it
When working only at localhost, it can generate the image, but when uploaded on the live site. The image cannot be found or missing. Please advise
Check. Your. Error. Log.
Juju 21 February, 2017
Thanks for your reply! It worked.
I just downloaded the missing tff files and I put them in a folder "ttf-dejavu" on the server. Numbers are back on the Captcha.
This page is great!
Juju 20 February, 2017
This page is great and I have been using this captcha code for a long time and it's really good.
Thanks for that!
Since yesterday, I am having the same problem as Mark, I can see the lines but the numbers have disapeared...
I didn't change the PHP version (always 5.6), but I had to change the environment from "legacy" to "stable". Could the problem come from here (I cannot change back to "legacy" for other reasons).
How can I check the log?
Thanks in advance!
If the numbers stop appearing the problem is usually to do with the font file going missing, or the PHP font search path being changed. Look in your Apache error.log file for PHP errors.
Mark 7 December, 2016
Just updated my website to use php5.5, and now the captcha code does not display the numbers (does display the background colour and the lines, just not the numbers you need to copy). Anyone have any ideas as to why? Is there something in php5.5 which breaks this script?
It's worked fine for us in PHP5.5 and PHP5.6. Check your error logs.
Rogério P Flores 14 August, 2016
Thank you for your time, it worked perfectly.
John 15 February, 2016
Thanks for this! I'm not sure why so many people are having trouble following your instructions. To clarify (since most seem to be having trouble with "form handler"), this is referring to the target of your form "action" (i.e.,<form id="my_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="//") In the case of this example, the form handler is "post.php". I hope this helps clarify. Thanks again!
Rani 28 November, 2015
Can we use same javascript to validate captcha in two different forms in the same web page.
Yes. As long as you pass a reference to the FORM to your validation function it doesn't need to know about other forms on the page.
Tom B 19 January, 2015
Followed the examples of creating captcha.php, adding the cpatcha ot the form, adding tghe javascript to the head of the contact form page and adding hte session start script to the beginning of the process page. Captcha show up on form but the form will nto longer process or display any error message. Could you possibly clarify what might be the problem?
Thank you
saleem raza 21 December, 2014
hii..! sir let me know what is" php form handler"
i am confused on it coz i,ve got captcha digits but form handler not appear...kindly if u take few mint to it it would b great ,,,thans
Tom 10 December, 2014
I can't get the PHP-code to check if the digits entered are correct. Could you help me out as I'm new to these things.
RB 17 April, 2014
Very good! Could you include a complete set of files, including the contact form, as a downloadable zip? Thanks!
No, but you can find code for a standalone feedback form in this article.
Richard 4 April, 2014
Tried number #1 with javascript.
Processes fine but I can enter any 6 digits and it processes and sends the email.
You need to have the PHP code checking the CAPTCHA, as well as the CAPTCHA itself in the HTML form. The correct digits are not (can not be) known by JavaScript - only when the form is submitted and checked on the server.